Breaking the communication barrier: How to communicate effectively

Breaking the communication barrier: How to communicate effectively

In a world where we are used to expressing how we feel or what we think with multiple emojis, or where the question “how are you?” is more of an ‘in passing’ question, rather than a genuine concern; there is bound to be miscommunication or someone who feels misunderstood, at some point in our daily interactions. The ability to effectively…

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Imposter Syndrome: Do you have it?

Imposter Syndrome: Do you have it?

Stop for a second and think about your life. Think about your job/ career, friends, achievements, and materialistic things you have. How did you get them? Do you think you got that promotion because the person who should have been selected left the job? Or do you think you just got lucky? Do you think the boss felt bad for…

Is therapy what you need?

Is therapy what you need?

For many of us, growing up you would tend to hear that if you’re feeling sad or upset, you should just suck it up and do what you have to do. But how can we “do what we have to do” if we don’t know what to do? How we get what we want to get done if we’re not…

10 ways to boost your self-esteem

10 ways to boost your self-esteem

Our self-esteem, which is defined as our own sense of our worth and value, changes as we get older and have different experiences throughout our life. The relationships and interactions we have with family, friends, co-workers, teachers, and others, have a big impact on whether or not our self-esteem will be low or high. The environments we are in and…

Responses your child might have towards a crisis

Responses your child might have towards a crisis

When anyone experiences a traumatic event, or a time of intense, serious difficulty, or danger, there are a number of responses we could have towards that event or situation. Adults often find coping with such events to be difficult and overwhelming, but very often we forget that our children can, and do, experience similar feelings that we have. Despite how…

The 14-day wellness challenge

The 14-day wellness challenge

In my practice, as well as my personal life, I have spoken to many people who want to start taking their mental health seriously. Now, this doesn’t mean that they have to go and see a mental health practitioner; this means that they want to start doing little things for themselves that will help to improve their mental health and…