My child isn’t coping well with the pandemic. How can I help?

My child isn’t coping well with the pandemic. How can I help?

In my previous blog post, Responses your child might have towards a crisis/ Covid-19, I listed a few of the responses your child might be displaying, as a result of the overwhelming feelings this pandemic has brought. If you didn’t get a chance to read it, or you’re not sure if your child has been displaying any particular COVID-19 related…

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Responses your child might have towards a crisis

Responses your child might have towards a crisis

When anyone experiences a traumatic event, or a time of intense, serious difficulty, or danger, there are a number of responses we could have towards that event or situation. Adults often find coping with such events to be difficult and overwhelming, but very often we forget that our children can, and do, experience similar feelings that we have. Despite how…